Monday, July 6, 2009

"Captain" Steve

I know many of you have been holding your breath wondering if I ever got the boat started down here. Well, good news, I did! Actually I had to call someone Don and Myralyn knows down here (Bob Kelly) and he met me at the boat and he checked out a few things. Finally he sat down and tried to crank it and the boat was doing the same thing, just turning over but not firing. As I watched Bob I noticed a little red thingie (not a precise nautical term) below the throttle. I asked Bob what it was and he said, "Oh, that's the kill switch so the boat will cut off in case the driver gets knocked out of the boat." Then he flipped a toggle switch on the little thingie the other way and the boat cranked right up. It was that simple.

At any rate, I took the boat out into the bay for a spin then called Donna on the way back in and asked if she wanted to go out and, surprisingly, she agreed. So I picked her up at the dock and we went back out and drove around the canals and the bay for about 30 minutes.

The thing about boating down here is there are specific channels in the bays, canals, and in the intercoastal waterway that you have to stay in because the water is so shallow in spots. Once I figured out where the channels were (by watching other people) everything was fine.

So, this is "Captain" Steve signing out for a while. I hope to check back in later - I am going back out in the boat before lunchtime. Until then..... Yo ho ho, it's a seaman's life for me!

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